

🌈Trust your gut

Published almost 2 years ago • 1 min read

Hello Reader,

I shared on my Instagram Story my reflection on the past month and I mentioned that I’ve been learning to start trusting my intuition.

Intuition, or “gut feeling” is our immediate understanding of something.

Listening to our intuition is so important to help us avoid unhealthy situations.

One of the signs that you’re ignoring your intuition is when you feel like your life is ungrounded and imbalanced.

Since I’ve been learning to tap into my intuition, I thought I’d share with you some practices or small habits to strengthen our intuition muscles 💪

  • Meditation 🧘‍♂️

Meditating is a simple way to quiet our minds. Giving our thinking minds a break will help us strengthen our intuition as it will help us hear and interpret the messages that our intuition is trying to tell us.

  • Engaging in creative activities 🎨

I’ve been loving creative bullet journaling lately! It’s one of the activities that really help me be more creative and in tune with myself. I notice that whenever I feel inspired and creative, I feel more relaxed and calm. How about you, Reader? What is one creative activity that you really enjoy?

Here's how I've been using my Exploration Guided Journal
Here's how I've been using my Exploration Guided Journal. Check out the journal here!
  • Feeling more 😌

There are simple ways I listen to my feelings. For example, asking myself “what do I need today?” instead of just doing what I think I should do. Simple things like that help us pause and listen to what our intuition tells us.


  • ‘What Is Intuition and Why Is It Important? 5 Examples’ by PositivePsychology

If you want to learn more about what intuition is and how it exactly works, I recommend reading this comprehensive article.

Read the article from PositivePsychology>>

  • ‘Mind Over Matter’ 21-Day Meditation Challenge by Action Jacquelyn

Here’s another amazing resource if you want to start practicing meditation! This is a free guided meditation program that will help you release stress and build self-esteem. The program will also tackle tapping into your intuition.

Join the 21-Day Meditation Challenge by Action Jacquelyn>>

That’s it from me today, Reader! I hope you found this email helpful! 🙏

Btw, I’ve been hanging out on Instagram lately so if you haven’t yet, feel free to follow me! I’ve been updating my Instagram more than once a week. If you want the latest updates and extra content from me, you’re welcome to join me there by clicking here!

Thank you so much for reading! As always, I appreciate you, Reader. Enjoy the rest of your day and I’ll talk to you again next week!

Sending you so much love,

Jocelyn 💕


Start your self-discovery journey and be fearlessly authentic.

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